4 Key Benefits of Hiring Stock Market Advisory Services
Sep 14, 2018 | 17:29 PM IST
Sep 14, 2018 | 17:29 PM IST

If you don't repair your television set, bike or other household appliances on your own, then why risk your capital? Why not seek for stock market advisory services, where a stock advisor having an acute knowledge of the equity market can offer you investment advice.
But we all believe in the word jugaad and even while investing, we try to use some jugaad. However, in 99% of cases, using such jugaads would end up with you losing your capital. Many DIY (Do it yourself) investors have already witnessed this in the recent past. Seeing last years bull run, numerous investors started investing in the stock market expecting high returns. However, managing their stock market investment based on information gathered from secondary sources like neighbours, investment gurus on TV, etc, turned out to be a bad choice for these DIY investors.
Its a fact, the stock market only offer skyrocketing returns if you buy and sell the right stocks at the right price and time.
The bull run days of the market when it was considerably easy to make a quick profit are over. You should get professional advice to help you in navigating todays volatile market. Hiring a professional stock market advisor will majorly benefit you in the following 4 ways.
1. Stock Market Advisory Pro-actively Minimises Your Portfolio Risk
Stock investment plays a huge role in building a handsome corpus. If you choose the right investment avenues you will definitely get good value. There are two basic ways of investing in equity - mutual funds and stock investment. It can't be said conclusively that one method is better than the other. Many investors have selected mutual funds to enter in the equity market and have started investing in equity mutual funds. However, factually direct equity investments have the ability to offer higher returns than mutual funds. Both investment modes have their respective importance in one's portfolio and also have their own risk factors.
Investment Advisor is one who can help you in taking wise decisions with regards to risk. It is the first and most important benefit that an investor gets of hiring a stock market advisory .
a. Stock Advisor Understands Your Risk Appetite
The risk tolerance of every investor is different from one another. It is the capacity to bear the volatility. Many times investors won't understand the risk associated with the security or stock she/he is buying which creates chaos going ahead while building a portfolio or may lead to an improper decision. So the stock advisor first understands your risk appetite before taking decisions for your portfolio. This is the key aspect which can be very useful for investors as the stocks which they will be buying with the help of stock advisor will match their own risk appetite and won't harm their risk-free capital.
b. Stock Advisor helps to tide market risks
We know that stock investments are highly volatile the market movement may lead to the huge losses. The best example of this can be the recent market correction post the Union Budget 2018. The knee-jerk reactions from many investors have dragged the investment returns. Stock advisor keeps you posted about the market movement and helps you to remain invested in the market downturns with his top-notch research and analytical skills.
c. Stock Advisors Assist in developing a tactical asset allocation
In the stock market investment, it is very important that you should allocate your investment tactically towards large cap, mid cap, and small cap stocks. As per the market movement, one need to drift the investment to safeguard the returns to avoid market risk. The stock advisor helps you to tactically allocate the assets towards various market caps and further also assist you in minimizing the risk and exposure as per the market movements.
d. Stock Advisor Diversifies your stock investment
We all know that proper diversification is very important to cap the risks. Investor tends to favour the sectors which reap the returns or many times we go with market rumors which leads to the excessive risks in your portfolio, in the situations of volatility. The stock advisor helps to diversify your investment in a way to minimize your risks associated with the specific sectors and stocks. And helps you take the informed and well-established decisions which can not hamper your financial goal going ahead.
2. Stock Market Advisory Maximises Your Investment Performance
You may be a young professional, Businessman, Retiree, or a person near to retirement but your basic purpose behind the stock market investment is to earn returns more than the traditional investment options like FD, RD etc. But for this one need to gauge the potential of the stocks well, one needs to understand the allocation of the investment, research the fundamentals of the stock or the company and one-stop solution for this Stock Advisor.
a. Stock Investment Advisor Aligns your investment to your goal
The work of a stock investment advisor is not only limited to just finding stocks for their Investor. They assume a bigger role of designing an investment plan which perfectly complements the financial goals of the Investor. Every individual has long-term and short-term financial goals and they have to manage their money wisely to meet these goals. An advisory firm plays a key role in giving goal-based clarity to their Investor with short-term and long-term stock calls. They also provide answers to complex questions like 'where to invest', 'how much to invest', etc. Providing a customized investment plan is the key feature of a Sebi registered stock advisory firm.
b. Stock Advisors help you to select the best suited constituents for your portfolio
The stock market is huge in the current scenario there are almost 4500+ companies listed on the stock exchange which is a huge basket. Which consist of all sort of stocks ranging from blue-chip stocks, midcaps to small-cap. To find the stocks which are best suitable for the portfolio and are expected to perform well in the future requires a specific set of skills. One has to separate quality stocks from the overwhelming junk that occupies most of the space.
To identify the best stocks with the best prospects one needs years of experience and top-notch analytical skills. Naturally, not everybody has the financial acumen to do their own analysis. Thus, it makes sense to sign up with the authentic SEBI registered share market advisory firm. The stock market advisory firm provides investors with a genuine, well-researched stock advice which can further turn their portfolios into the green zone and can reap good returns over the period of time.
We at Niveza India offer p360-PMS (Portfolio Management Service) alternative. Its our flagship product wherein we offer tailor-made research for our investors and provide them with a dedicated relationship manager. Unlike traditional PMS wherein you need minimum Rs.25 lacs to begin with, we offer to help you make the most of your time and money by investing just Rs.2 lacs.
c. Stock Advisors takes care of your portfolio activities
Just investing doesn't lead you to the higher returns even the strategic decisions of entry and exit are equally important. The investing life doesn't complete only with investment plan and investing according to it, it further requires a close monitoring of all the activities in the stocks which you have been invested. One need to revisit and review his portfolio frequently as weekly, monthly etc. In today's world, its actually very difficult to maintain a track of the investments so hiring a stock market advisory is a great solution for this. Stock advisor keeps an eye on your portfolio and notifies you as and when the action is needed for the betterment of your portfolio.
4. Your Share Advisor Takes Away Your Investment Worries
Stock market advisory with its various services offers you many privileges. Share market advisory firm provides you with professional management of portfolios with a focussed view to maximizing the return on investment and even provides you with regular performance tracking. So it saves you handling pressures with all your investment and its returns. Going ahead the stock market advisory provides with the personalized service even some of the investment advisors appoint separate relationship manager for you who will be in touch with you whenever you have the queries and doubts about your investment and other actions with respect to the portfolio. With all these aspects a stock market advisory services makes your investing life on your fingertips or just call away from you as well as ensure the profitability of your investment. What else one wants, extremely stress-free way to invest and just make money and even get the insightful market tips, share tips and analysis of the stocks by investing no personal time.
With above all discussion we can see that a stock market advisory services can bring a lot of value to your investment portfolio and investing life so signing up for a good, SEBI registered investment advisory company in India is like hiring a trusted personal investment advisor.
If you just google the list of the stock advisors or investment advisors in India you will get a big and long enough list of the SEBI registered investment advisory, selecting best out of them would be the next task for you. Learn how to choose the best stock advisor services.